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NEX-EL project – Non-exhaust emissions in electrifying mining and urban environment

The NEX-EL project will develop measurement methods and characterize the sources and the role of non-exhaust emissions in two contrasting environments:

Mining environment

  • A working environment with major air quality challenges

Urban traffic environment

  • Emissions affect large group of population with significant total impact

Mining and urban traffic are challenging work environments in terms of air quality and in urban environment large group of people are exposed to these emissions. The share of non-exhaust in total emissions will increase due to the electrification and strict emission limits set for the exhaust emissions. Electrification of machinery and vehicles emphasize the role of emissions other than exhaust emissions, and respective limitations are anticipated.

In case of machinery and vehicles, these emissions include particles from road surface, brakes and tires. In mining, emissions from operations (e.g., use of explosives) are significant.

Sandvik mining machineNEX-EL project is part of SANDVIK SHIFT´25 Veturi ecosystem
Project duration: 1.3.2023-28.2.2026


November 2024

Brake Dust Campaign

In a joint measurement campaign of the NEX-EL project by VTT, Tampere University, and the Finnish Meteorological Institute, particle emissions from car brakes were studied. Read more.

Project news 19.4.2024

Non-exhaust emissions in urban street environment FMI
(In Finnish – NEX-EL-projekti tutkii liikenteen ei-pakokaasuperäisiä päästöjä kaupunkialueella)

Measurements in urban street environment, Helsinki.

Measurements in urban street environment, Helsinki (FMI).



Research Partners

VTT logo

Oulu University logo

Finnish Metrological Institute logo

Tampere University logo

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